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Information for universities or agencies

NEXUS is engaged with Universities, and collaborates closely with it’s internship departments to facilitate the internationalisation of it’s students.

Spain, for many, is a number one choice. For it’s gastronomy (more than 180 restaurants with Michelin stars, and the country that has revolutionised cuisine these last years.), or due to it’s high tourism rate (for many years now, it lies within the top 3 most visited countries).

On the other hand, some students do not speak fluently a foreign language, and this can be a barrier to their internationalisation. Spain is a great opportunity for all of them.

It is not necessary to insist in the importance of internationalisation of the internships for a student. Since, other than it’s practical formation, it is a personal and unique life experience. NEXUS will accompany the student all throughout this experience.

How do we work?

In accordance with the Spanish legislation regarding internships, it is necessary to sign an educational cooperation agreement, therefore NEXUS will request the university of school to sign this agreement.

We do not ask universities for anything else, simply, the possibility of collaborating and working together to accompany and help the student all throughout this experience.

NEXUS will take care of everything. From the advice on the destinations and job positions, to the acquisition of all the required documentation and paperwork such as the type of visa, immigration regulations…

We provide our support and monitor the student during his full stay in Spain, providing them with a 24/7 emergency phone.

Upon completion of their internships, NEXUS will send the university a full report and individual evaluation of the student, along with a certificate.

What is an internship in Spain like?

Carrying out an internship in a foreign country is never an easy task. Among other reasons, because the learning system is very different and the cultural clash can occasionally be strong.

In NEXUS we are aware of all this, and this is why before their arrival in Spain, we tell the students that the internships are a “trial and error” experience, where you but “learn by doing”. We also warn them about the possibility of people having a different behaviour to what they are used to. As a rule of thumb, after a month, students tend to be fully settled in.

By the end of their internship they will not want to leave!

¿Are you over 18 years old or over?¿Do you study a degree in tourism, gastronomy, hotel management, or public administration?

Do you want to find out what Spain has to offer?

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    ¡Hola👋! Te damos la bienvenida a Nexus.
    Estas a sólo un paso de hacer realidad tus prácticas profesionales en España.